Common Life

In all thoughts, my story rings, A tale of sadness, scorn, and sting. Long have I tried to make things right, All I do ignites spite.

Countless hours on the table, To become something strong and able. Covered in books that impart knowledge, Useless in what I dream to be.

Word after word, this confusion streams, All this knowledge in vain, it seems. What good will a sword do to the one Who wields a bow, undone?

All stories that spark in the head, Of some alive and some dead. No one cares to listen, Hence it is dark thoughts that spread.

Tired I am of this deadly plague, All life will be spent living fake. If it is really me who has to suffer, Why increase it by making it tougher.

The dark clouds have prevailed, My sun is gone, without which darkness takes over, and a gloom I Donne. The sunshine has vanished, my enemies have prevailed, Goodbye sweet grass, flowers, and leaves, hello thunder and rain.

But what does it give to remain sad, Of all things dark and bad, So what if the rain has come, Take out the umbrella and boots of gum.

Why must I remain in the dark, Because no one gave me light, There is beauty in the dark, That for now I cannot sight.

When black arrives of a sudden, Yes, it is hard to see, But the eyes have learned, that is not what is to be, Moments go by, things become clear, I make way through the faint light, and light a candle with cheer.

Most won’t care to listen to the stories, That show them who you really are, Not many care to listen, to what made the shining star, But paper doesn’t judge, it silently listens, It goes to show how much simple needs glisten.

So what if I be the swordsman given the bow, It hides secrets some don’t know, If I had just remained under the bar, Who knew I could kill from afar?

So learn the ways of making joy, Simple it really is, Wipe the dust from the window of the mind, To see the scenery of all bliss.

So fret not on the blemish of the world, Let your patience and sorrow bond, Look not on the ridges and crevices of the dark mountain, But on the green pastures that lie beyond.